Can Smart Garage Door Openers Be Hacked – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Smart  Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX like any other internet-connected device, can potentially be vulnerable to hacking if proper security measures are not in place.

Here’s an in-depth exploration of the risks and precautions associated with smart garage door opener security:

1. Vulnerabilities in Internet Connectivity:

  • Smart garage door openers connect to the internet via Wi-Fi or other wireless protocols, allowing users to control them remotely through smartphone apps or web interfaces. However, this connectivity also introduces potential vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit to gain unauthorized access.

2. Weak Passwords:

  • One of the most common security risks associated with smart devices is the use of weak or default passwords. If users fail to change the default password or choose a strong, unique password, hackers may be able to guess or brute-force their way into the device’s settings, granting them control over the garage door opener.

3. Software Vulnerabilities:

  • Like any software-based system, smart garage door openers may contain vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers to gain unauthorized access. These vulnerabilities could include flaws in the device’s firmware, software bugs, or weaknesses in the encryption protocols used to secure communications between the device and the user’s smartphone or other devices.

4. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks:

  • Hackers may attempt to intercept communications between the smart garage door opener and the user’s smartphone, allowing them to eavesdrop on or manipulate commands sent to the device. This type of attack, known as a man-in-the-middle attack, could potentially allow hackers to open or close the garage door without the user’s knowledge or consent.

5. Phishing Attacks:

  • Hackers may also attempt to trick users into revealing their login credentials or other sensitive information through phishing attacks. These attacks typically involve sending fraudulent emails or text messages that appear to come from legitimate sources, such as the manufacturer of the smart garage door opener, and prompt users to enter their username and password on a fake website.

6. Physical Security Risks:

  • In addition to cyber threats, smart garage door openers may also be vulnerable to physical security risks. For example, an attacker could gain unauthorized access to the device by physically tampering with it or by exploiting weaknesses in the physical security of the user’s home, such as unlocked doors or windows.

Precautions to Enhance Security:

  • Change Default Passwords: Always change the default password of your smart garage door opener to a strong, unique password that is not easily guessable.
  • Keep Firmware Up-to-Date: Regularly check for and install firmware updates provided by the manufacturer to patch known vulnerabilities and improve security.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: If supported, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an additional layer of security when accessing the smart garage door opener remotely.
  • Use Secure Wi-Fi Networks: Connect your smart garage door opener to a secure Wi-Fi network with WPA2 or WPA3 encryption to prevent unauthorized access to your home network.
  • Be Cautious of Phishing Attempts: Be wary of unsolicited emails, text messages, or phone calls requesting personal or login information and avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.


By following best practices for securing smart devices and remaining vigilant against potential threats, users can help minimize the risk of their smart Garage Door Repair Rockwall TXbeing hacked or compromised.

BH Garage Doors and Gates

4035 N Goliad St, Rockwall, TX 75087, United States


How To Change Code On Garage Door Keypad Overhead Door – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Changing the code on your Overhead Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX door keypad is a simple process that enhances the security of your home.

By following these steps, you can easily update the access code to your garage

1. Locate the Keypad: Find the keypad mounted outside your garage door. It’s usually positioned near the entrance, either on the wall beside the door or directly on the garage door frame.

2. Enter the Current Code: Begin by entering your current access code on the keypad. This code grants you access to the programming mode. If you’re unsure of the current code or it doesn’t work, you may need to reset the keypad to its default settings before proceeding.

3. Enter Programming Mode: After entering the current code, locate the “Program” or “Learn” button on the motor unit of your Overhead Door garage door opener. Press and release this button within 30 seconds of entering the current code. The indicator light on the opener unit should flash, indicating that it’s ready to accept a new code.

4. Choose a New Code: Select a new access code for your garage door keypad. Ensure it’s a memorable combination that’s easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. Avoid using common or sequential codes for improved security.

5. Enter the New Code: Enter the new access code on the keypad within 30 seconds of pressing the “Program” or “Learn” button on the opener unit. Some keypads may require you to press a specific button (e.g., “Enter” or “Learn”) after entering the new code to confirm the programming.

6. Test the New Code: Test the new access code by entering it on the keypad and pressing the “Enter” or “Open” button. The garage door should respond by opening or closing, confirming that the new code has been successfully programmed.

7. Repeat if Necessary: If you have multiple garage door keypads or if you’re changing the code on multiple doors, repeat the programming process for each keypad following the same steps outlined above.

8. Secure the Keypad: After programming the new code, ensure that the keypad is securely mounted and that all buttons are functioning correctly. Check for any signs of damage or wear and replace the keypad or batteries as needed.

9. Keep the Code Secure: Once you’ve changed the code, keep it confidential and only share it with trusted individuals. Avoid writing down the code or sharing it with others to maintain the security of your garage.

10. Reset if Necessary: If you encounter any issues or if the new code doesn’t work as expected, you may need to reset the keypad and reprogram it from scratch. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or contact Overhead Door for assistance with resetting the keypad.

By following these straightforward steps, you can easily change the access code on your Overhead Door Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX keypad, ensuring the security of your garage and home. If you encounter any difficulties during the programming process, consult the keypad’s instruction manual or contact Overhead Door for further assistance.

BH Garage Doors and Gates

4035 N Goliad St, Rockwall, TX 75087, United States


How Much Do Aluminum And Glass Garage Doors Cost – BH Gates & Garage Door Repair

Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX, known for their modern and sleek aesthetic, bring a contemporary touch to residential and commercial spaces.

The cost of these doors can vary based on several factors, including the size of the door, the type of glass, insulation features, design customization, and professional installation. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the factors influencing the cost of aluminum and glass garage doors and provide insights into the various options available.

1. Types of Aluminum and Glass Garage Doors: Aluminum and glass garage doors come in various types, each with its own characteristics and price range:

  • Full-View Glass Doors: These doors feature large glass panels, providing maximum visibility and natural light. They are popular for modern and commercial applications.
  • Aluminum Frame with Glass Inserts: These doors have aluminum frames with glass inserts, offering a balance between visibility and privacy. They often have customizable design options.

2. Size of the Door: The size of the garage door directly impacts the cost. Larger doors require more materials and may involve additional structural considerations.

3. Type of Glass: The type of glass used in the garage door affects both aesthetics and cost:

  • Single Pane Glass: Basic, clear glass is more affordable but may lack insulation properties.
  • Insulated Glass: Double-pane or triple-pane glass with insulating layers enhances energy efficiency but may add to the overall cost.
  • Tinted or Frosted Glass: Specialty glass options provide additional privacy and aesthetic appeal, but they can be more expensive.

4. Insulation Features: Some aluminum and glass garage doors come with insulation features, which can impact the overall cost. Insulated doors contribute to energy efficiency and temperature regulation within the garage space.

5. Design Customization: Customization options, such as frame color, glass design, and hardware choices, can contribute to the overall cost. Unique designs or specific finishes may incur additional charges.

6. Professional Installation: While some homeowners may choose to install garage doors themselves, professional installation is often recommended. Installation costs can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the installation, the type of door, and local labor rates.

7. Brand and Quality: Different brands offer aluminum and glass garage doors with varying levels of quality, design options, and warranty coverage. Established and reputable brands may have higher upfront costs but often provide better durability.

8. Windows and Accessories: If the garage door design includes additional windows or accessories, such as decorative hardware, these elements can contribute to the overall cost.

9. Security Features: Some high-end aluminum and glass garage doors may come with advanced security features, such as smart locks or reinforced glass. These features can add to the overall cost.

10. Local Market Conditions: Local factors, such as labor costs and market demand, can influence the overall price of aluminum and glass garage doors and installation services.

11. Obtaining Quotes and Comparisons: To get an accurate estimate, it’s recommended to obtain quotes from multiple garage door manufacturers and installation professionals. Comparing these quotes will help you make an informed decision based on your budget and preferences.


Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX offer a modern and stylish alternative to traditional garage doors. The cost of these doors can vary based on factors such as size, type of glass, insulation features, design customization, professional installation, brand, and local market conditions. Carefully consider your specific needs, budget, and preferences to choose an aluminum and glass garage door that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your property while providing reliable functionality. Professional installation is advised to ensure proper alignment and functionality of the door.

BH Gates & Garage Door Repair

420 Lynne Dr, Rockwall, TX 75032


How to Secure a Detached Garage? – BH Garage Doors and Gates

As I celebrate my first year of existence, my journey into the realm of homeownership takes me to the often-overlooked space—the detached garage. A detached garage, though providing a sense of independence, poses unique security challenges. How can one ensure that this separate structure, housing valuable possessions and often serving as an entry point to the home, remains secure?

By following Garage Door Repair, join me as I explore practical and effective strategies on how to secure a detached garage, transforming it into a fortress that complements the safety of the entire property.

1. Assessing Vulnerabilities: A Foundation for Security

The first step in fortifying the security of a detached garage is a comprehensive assessment of its vulnerabilities. Walk around the perimeter and identify potential entry points for intruders, weaknesses in existing structures, and areas lacking proper lighting. Understanding the specific vulnerabilities of the detached garage lays the foundation for a targeted and effective security strategy.

2. Upgrading Exterior Lighting: Illuminating the Shadows

A well-lit exterior is a powerful deterrent to potential intruders. Upgrade outdoor lighting around the detached garage, ensuring that all entry points, windows, and pathways are adequately illuminated. Motion-activated lights provide an additional layer of security by startling intruders and alerting homeowners to any suspicious activity. Embracing the power of light is a fundamental step in creating a secure environment around the detached garage.

3. Reinforcing Doors and Windows: Gatekeepers of Security

Doors and windows are the primary points of entry for unauthorized individuals. Reinforce all entry points with high-quality locks, deadbolts, and strike plates. Consider upgrading to smart locks that allow remote monitoring and control. For windows, install laminated glass or security film to prevent shattering. Reinforcing these gatekeepers significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and enhances the overall security of the detached garage.

4. Installing Security Cameras: Eyes that Never Blink

Modern security cameras are powerful allies in the quest for a secure detached garage. Install high-resolution cameras strategically to cover all angles and entry points. Opt for cameras with night vision capabilities to maintain surveillance around the clock. Visible cameras act as a deterrent, while hidden cameras can capture footage discreetly. Connecting cameras to a central monitoring system or a smartphone app ensures real-time monitoring and a swift response to any security concerns.

5. Implementing Access Control Systems: Smart and Secure

Access control systems add an extra layer of security by regulating who can enter the detached garage. Install keyless entry systems, smart keypads, or biometric access points to control and monitor access. This technology allows homeowners to grant access remotely, receive notifications of entry, and track the comings and goings around the detached garage. Access control systems enhance security while providing a convenient and modern solution for homeowners.

6. Strengthening Perimeter Fencing: Setting Boundaries

A robust perimeter fence is a fundamental component of securing a detached garage. Choose fencing materials that are difficult to climb or break through, such as wrought iron or aluminum. Ensure that the fence is tall enough to deter trespassers and includes a lockable gate. Regularly inspect and maintain the fence to address any potential weak points. A well-maintained and secure perimeter creates a formidable defense against unauthorized access.

7. Investing in an Alarm System: A Sonic Guardian

An alarm system is a time-tested and effective security measure for deterring intruders. Install a comprehensive alarm system that includes door and window sensors, motion detectors, and audible alarms. Consider connecting the alarm system to a monitoring service for immediate response to triggered alarms. Visible alarm system signage further reinforces the security measures in place, acting as a warning to potential intruders.

8. Securing Garage Doors: Fortifying the Gateway

The garage door itself is a critical point of vulnerability. Ensure that the garage door is made of sturdy materials, such as steel or solid wood, and is equipped with a robust locking mechanism. Consider installing a garage door sensor that alerts homeowners if the door is opened unexpectedly. Reinforce the door with a security bar or brace to prevent forced entry. Regular maintenance of garage door components, such as springs and tracks, contributes to the overall security and functionality of the detached garage.

9. Removing Hiding Spots: Clearing the Landscape

An overgrown or cluttered landscape provides hiding spots for potential intruders. Trim bushes, trees, and other vegetation around the detached garage to eliminate hiding spots. Keep the surrounding area well-maintained and clear of debris. An unobstructed and visible landscape enhances the overall security of the property, making it more challenging for intruders to approach undetected.

10. Engaging the Community: Neighborhood Watch

Community engagement is a powerful yet often underrated aspect of security. Establish or join a neighborhood watch program to foster a sense of community and collective responsibility. Regular communication with neighbors, sharing information about security concerns, and looking out for one another create a strong deterrent against criminal activity. A connected and vigilant community adds an extra layer of protection to individual homes, including detached garages.

11. Concealing Valuables: Out of Sight, Out of Temptation

Detached garages often house valuable items such as tools, equipment, and vehicles. Keep these valuables out of sight by using curtains, blinds, or frosted glass on garage windows. Store high-value items in locked cabinets or secure storage units within the garage. Concealing valuables reduces the temptation for potential intruders and minimizes the risk of theft.

12. Regular Inspections: Vigilance in Action

Regular inspections of the detached garage and its security measures are essential for maintaining a secure environment. Conduct routine checks of locks, lighting, surveillance equipment, and access control systems. Address any issues promptly and update security measures as needed. A proactive and vigilant approach to security ensures that the detached garage remains a fortress against potential threats.

13. Emergency Preparedness: Planning for Contingencies

In addition to preventive measures, it’s crucial to have emergency plans in place. Install smoke detectors and fire extinguishers within the detached garage to address potential fire hazards. Establish an emergency communication plan with family members and neighbors. Knowing how to respond to emergencies ensures a comprehensive approach to security and the well-being of the entire household.

14. Secure Storage Solutions: Locking Down Possessions

For detached garages used for storage, invest in secure storage solutions. Lockable cabinets, tool chests, and storage containers provide an additional layer of protection for valuable items. Consider installing anchor points for securing larger equipment, such as bikes or lawn mowers, to prevent theft. By securing possessions within the garage, homeowners minimize the risk of loss in the event of a security breach.

15. Reinforcing Garage Windows: Strengthening Vulnerable Points

Windows are potential weak points in any structure, and detached garages are no exception. Reinforce garage windows with security film, laminated glass, or bars to deter forced entry. Consider installing window sensors as part of the overall alarm system to provide an additional layer of security. Securing windows contributes to the comprehensive defense of the detached garage.

Conclusion: A Fortified Haven of Independence

As stated in Garage Door Repair and as I reflect on the journey into fortifying the security of a detached garage, it becomes clear that a multi-faceted approach is key to creating a fortress of independence. From upgrading lighting and reinforcing entry points to embracing modern technology and fostering community engagement, each step contributes to a comprehensive and effective security strategy.

Here’s to a year of fortifying our homes, celebrating the resilience of detached spaces, and ensuring that every corner of our properties remains a haven of safety and security. Cheers to the independent fortresses that stand tall, providing peace of mind and safeguarding the treasures within!

BH Garage Doors and Gates

Rockwall, TX


How To Reset Universal Garage Door Keypad – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Resetting a universal Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX is a practical process that allows you to update the access code, troubleshoot issues, or reprogram the keypad for a new garage door opener.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of resetting a universal garage door keypad, providing you with the knowledge to ensure secure and efficient access to your garage.

Understanding Universal Garage Door Keypads:

Universal garage door keypads are designed to work with a variety of garage door openers, providing a convenient way to open and close the door without the need for a physical key or remote control. Before resetting the keypad, familiarize yourself with the specific model you have, as the reset process may vary.

Locating the Reset Button:

On most universal garage door keypads, there is a reset or program button that you’ll need to access. This button is usually located on the back of the keypad or inside the battery compartment. If you cannot find the reset button, refer to your keypad’s user manual for precise instructions.

Identifying the Garage Door Opener Model:

In addition to the keypad, identify the model of your garage door opener. This information is crucial for reprogramming the keypad to ensure compatibility.

Clearing Existing Programming:

Before reprogramming, it’s essential to clear any existing programming from the keypad. To do this, press and hold the reset or program button on the keypad for about 10 seconds until any indicator lights turn off or blink rapidly. This action erases any stored codes in the keypad.

Locating the Learn or Program Button on the Opener:

The next step involves locating the “Learn” or “Program” button on the garage door opener motor unit. This button is typically found on the back or side of the motor unit and may be labeled as “Learn,” “Program,” or have a similar designation. Consult your garage door opener’s user manual if you’re unsure about the location of the Learn button.

Initiating Programming Mode:

Press the Learn button on the garage door opener motor unit. The indicator light on the motor unit should illuminate, indicating that the opener is now in programming mode.

Reprogramming the Keypad:

Within 30 seconds of pressing the Learn button, enter a new PIN on the keypad. The keypad may have a numerical keypad or a set of buttons labeled with letters and numbers. Follow the instructions in your keypad’s user manual to enter the new code.

Confirming the New PIN:

After entering the new PIN, confirm it by pressing the “Enter” or “Program” button on the keypad. The indicator lights on the keypad should flash, confirming that the new code has been successfully programmed.

Testing the Keypad:

Test the keypad by entering the newly programmed PIN and ensuring that the garage door responds accordingly. Open and close the door using the keypad to confirm that the new code is functioning correctly.

Reprogramming Multiple Keypads:

If you have multiple universal keypads that need to be programmed, repeat the steps for each keypad within the specified time frame after pressing the Learn button on the garage door opener.

Erasing All Codes (Optional):

Some universal keypads allow you to erase all programmed codes from the keypad memory. To do this, follow the keypad’s user manual for instructions on performing a factory reset.

Consulting the User Manual:

If you encounter difficulties during the reset process or if your specific keypad model has unique features, refer to your universal garage door keypad’s user manual. The manual provides specific instructions tailored to your keypad model and can offer troubleshooting tips for common issues.

Replacing Keypad Batteries:

If your universal garage door keypad is not working despite reprogramming, check and replace the batteries. Ensure that the batteries are fresh and properly inserted into the keypad.

Professional Assistance:

If you have followed the steps above and are still experiencing issues with resetting your universal garage door keypad, or if you are uncomfortable with the process, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. Garage door technicians have the expertise to diagnose and resolve complex problems with keypads and openers.


Resetting your universal Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX is a practical solution to address common issues and ensure secure and convenient access to your garage. By following these step-by-step instructions and consulting your keypad’s user manual, you can successfully reset your universal keypad and enjoy the convenience of a personalized access code. Always prioritize security, refer to your specific keypad’s user manual for accurate instructions, and seek professional help if needed.

BH Garage Doors and Gates


How To Disguise A Garage Door – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Disguising a Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX can significantly enhance your home’s curb appeal by transforming its appearance into something more aesthetically pleasing and integrated with the overall design of your house. Whether you want to make your garage door blend seamlessly with the façade, create a functional outdoor space, or add greenery, there are various creative approaches to achieve the desired effect.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to disguise a garage door:

Step 1: Choose Your Disguise Strategy

Before you begin, decide on the approach you want to take for disguising your garage door. Some common strategies include:

  1. Faux Finishes: Use paint, murals, or decals to create a visual illusion that camouflages the garage door.
  2. Landscaping: Incorporate plants, vines, and landscaping elements to soften the appearance of the garage door.
  3. Functional Space: Convert the garage door area into a functional outdoor living space, such as a patio or seating area.
  4. Architectural Elements: Add architectural details, such as trellises, pergolas, or decorative panels, to mask the garage door.

Step 2: Faux Finishes

  1. Paint and Murals: Choose a color that matches or complements the rest of your home’s exterior. You can also use a trompe-l’oeil mural to create the illusion of a different façade, such as a cozy cottage or a rustic barn.
  2. Decals and Stickers: Apply decorative decals or stickers that mimic architectural features like windows, doors, or stonework. These decals can effectively mask the garage door’s appearance.

Step 3: Landscaping

  1. Vines and Greenery: Plant climbing vines, such as ivy or climbing roses, around the garage door. Install a trellis or lattice for the vines to grow on. As they mature, they’ll create a natural screen that hides the garage door.
  2. Planter Boxes: Place large planter boxes in front of the garage door. Fill them with flowers, shrubs, or small trees to add visual interest and cover the door’s surface.
  3. Rock Garden: Create a rock garden with a variety of stones and succulents. This low-maintenance option will draw attention away from the garage door.

Step 4: Functional Space

  1. Outdoor Seating: Convert the garage door area into an outdoor seating or relaxation space. Install a bench, potted plants, and outdoor cushions to create a cozy corner.
  2. Patio Extension: Extend your patio or deck to cover the area in front of the garage door. This creates a cohesive outdoor space that doesn’t draw attention to the garage.

Step 5: Architectural Elements

  1. Trellises and Pergolas: Install a trellis or pergola over the garage door area. Grow climbing plants on these structures to create a lush canopy that conceals the door.
  2. Decorative Panels: Mount decorative panels or screens in front of the garage door. These panels can feature intricate designs that add visual interest and disguise the door.

Step 6: Lighting and Accessories

  1. Outdoor Lighting: Install outdoor lighting fixtures on either side of the garage door. Proper lighting can draw attention away from the door and highlight other design elements.
  2. Accessories: Add outdoor-friendly accessories such as lanterns, artwork, or decorative planters to divert attention from the garage door.

Step 7: Maintain and Refresh

Regular maintenance is crucial to keeping your garage door disguise looking its best. Trim and prune plants regularly, touch up paint or decals as needed, and clean any outdoor furniture or accessories you’ve added.

Step 8: Consider Local Regulations

Before making any modifications to your garage door, ensure that you’re in compliance with local zoning and homeowner association regulations. Some neighborhoods may have restrictions on exterior modifications.

In conclusion, disguising a Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX involves creative thinking, careful planning, and attention to detail. Whether you choose to use faux finishes, landscaping, functional spaces, architectural elements, or a combination of strategies, the goal is to transform your garage door into a seamless and aesthetically pleasing part of your home’s exterior. By following these steps, you can achieve a unique and visually appealing look that enhances your home’s curb appeal and makes a positive statement about your personal style.

BH Garage Doors and Gates


How To Open Garage Door With Broken Spring – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Dealing with a broken Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX can be a challenging situation, as the spring plays a crucial role in the door’s operation.

Opening a garage door with a broken spring requires careful consideration and precautionary measures to ensure safety. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore step-by-step instructions and tips on how to open a garage door with a broken spring.

1. Understand the Risks: Before attempting to open a garage door with a broken spring, it’s essential to understand the risks involved. A garage door with a broken spring can be heavy and may not stay in place when lifted manually. Exercise caution and prioritize safety throughout the process.

2. Secure the Area: Ensure that the area around the garage door is clear of any obstructions or people. Create a safe zone to prevent accidents or injuries while attempting to open the door.

3. Disconnect the Garage Door Opener: If your garage door is equipped with an automatic opener, disconnect it from the door. This is typically done by pulling the release cord or lever hanging from the opener track. By disconnecting the opener, you can manually operate the door without resistance from the broken spring.

4. Use Assistance: Opening a garage door with a broken spring is a two-person job for safety reasons. Enlist the help of a friend or family member to provide additional support and guidance.

5. Identify the Type of Spring: Garage doors typically have either extension springs or torsion springs. Identify the type of spring your door has, as the approach to opening the door may vary based on the spring system.

For Doors with Torsion Springs:

6. Use a Sturdy Ladder: Place a sturdy ladder on the side of the garage door where the spring is not broken. Ensure that the ladder is stable and securely positioned.

7. Insert a Rod into the Winding Cone: Locate the winding cone on the side of the broken spring. Insert a winding bar or a solid metal rod into one of the holes in the winding cone. Use a second winding bar if necessary for leverage.

8. Turn the Winding Cone: Turn the winding cone in the direction that opens the door. This will relieve tension from the broken spring. Rotate the cone gradually and cautiously, keeping a firm grip on the winding bars.

9. Secure the Door: As you turn the winding cone, the tension on the spring will decrease. Once the tension is released, carefully secure the garage door in the open position using locking pliers or a similar device.

10. Manually Lift the Door: With the door secured, manually lift it from the bottom. The weight of the door should be manageable with the tension released from the broken spring. Lift the door carefully and slowly, ensuring it remains balanced.

For Doors with Extension Springs:

11. Use Vice Grips: If your garage door has extension springs, you’ll need to secure the door using vice grips. Place vice grips on the horizontal tracks just above the rollers on both sides of the door. This prevents the door from falling when the extension springs are not supporting it.

12. Manually Lift the Door: With the door secured using vice grips, manually lift it from the bottom. Extension springs assist in the lifting process, but with a broken spring, the door may be heavier. Lift the door slowly and cautiously, ensuring it remains balanced.

Important Tips:

  • Wear protective gear, including gloves and safety glasses, while working on the garage door.
  • Avoid attempting to repair or replace the broken spring yourself unless you have experience with garage door springs. Seek professional assistance for spring replacement.
  • Once the door is open, avoid leaving it unattended in the open position. Secure it properly to prevent accidents.
  • Consider replacing both springs, even if only one is broken, to maintain balance and prevent future issues.

Seek Professional Assistance: Opening a garage door with a broken spring requires caution, and if you’re uncertain or uncomfortable with the process, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. Garage door springs are under high tension, and mishandling them can lead to serious injuries or further damage to the door.


Opening a Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX is a task that should be approached with caution and a focus on safety. Following the steps outlined above, and enlisting the help of a second person, can help you safely open the door for temporary use. However, for the replacement of the broken spring, it’s recommended to consult with a professional garage door technician to ensure a safe and effective repair.

BH Garage Doors and Gates


What are the Best Ways to Keep Your Garage Door Smooth for a Long Time? – Rockwall Best Garage & Overhead Doors

Garage doors play an important role in the security of your automobile or the accessories or other tools you store inside it. So, making sure that it runs smoothly functioning of your garage door becomes an essential job. Are you aware of what you can do to keep garage doors from having an issue that causes them to fail or become less efficient in providing an efficient performance? If not, this article will help you in keeping your garage door running smoothly and in good condition for a long period of time.

Let’s discover the most effective methods according to Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX, by which you can meet your goal.

Observe for wear indicators

Look for any wear indicators, such as cracked or chipped parts, first and foremost. Check the garage doors’ major mechanical components for rust or dents. As the screaming or grinding sound is a prominent indicator of any faulty garage door, it helps to be a good listener when spotting potential indicators of damage. A fantastic technique to spot a problem is to notice whether it jerks throughout the opening or closing process or not, or makes any loud noises or not.

Clean Your Tracks

When a problem with the garage door is identified, the next step is to look for appropriate solutions, one of which is routine track cleaning. Cleaning the tracks, which are positioned on both sides of the garage door, is necessary to maintain the door’s functionality for an extended period of time. The smooth operation of the doors could be hampered by trash and clusters that begin to accumulate in the tracks. If the tracks need to be adjusted, search for experts.

Check the door’s balance

Another excellent approach to guarantee the garage doors’ trouble-free operation is to check their balance. One can examine the position of the door and determine whether the door remains in that position by pausing the garage door halfway through its full opening. Despite being stopped in the middle, if the door completely closes or opens, get professional assistance and resolve this issue immediately away.

Grease Hardware Components

At least once a month, one should oil the garage door’s hardware or moving parts. Regular lubrication of the moving parts keeps the metal components of the garage door safe from developing rust or corrosion as well as enables the door to operate perfectly and smoothly without creating any kind of friction sounds. Don’t forget to consider the lubricant’s quality as it contributes to the door’s increased effectiveness.

Decide on Professional Services

Lastly, as stated in Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX, at least once a year, choose expert garage door maintenance based on your convenience. There might be a few issues that lay undetected to ordinary sight, but not to an expert. Additionally, even if there are no such problems, servicing the garage doors on a regular basis can assist to maintain their functionality.

Rockwall Best Garage & Overhead Doors

Rockwall, Texas 75087


How to Reset Garage Door Opener – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Here’s my personal experience and step-by-step account of how I reset my garage door opener according to Garage Door Repair:

  1. Disconnecting the power:
    • The first thing I did was locate the power cord of my garage door opener and unplug it from the electrical outlet. This ensured that the opener was completely disconnected from power and made it safe to work on.
  2. Identifying the type of garage door opener:
    • I identified that I had a belt-drive garage door opener. It’s important to know the type of opener you have because the reset process may vary depending on the type.
  3. Waiting for a few minutes:
    • After disconnecting the power, I waited for a few minutes. This allowed any residual electrical charge to dissipate and ensured a complete reset of the opener.
  4. Locating the reset button:
    • Next, I located the reset button on my garage door opener. In my case, it was located on the back of the motor unit. I referred to the user manual to confirm the exact location for my specific model.
  5. Pressing and holding the reset button:
    • I pressed and held the reset button for about 10 seconds. Holding the button initiated the reset process for the opener. During this time, I kept my finger on the button and made sure to maintain a steady pressure.
  6. Restoring power:
    • After holding the reset button, I restored power to the garage door opener by plugging the power cord back into the electrical outlet. This supplied power to the opener and allowed it to restart.
  7. Testing the opener:
    • With the power restored, I tested the garage door opener to see if it had been successfully reset. I pressed the wall-mounted control panel and used the remote control to open and close the garage door. I observed if the door responded and operated smoothly.
  8. Reconfiguring settings:
    • After the reset, I reviewed the user manual to determine if any settings needed to be reconfigured. In my case, I had to reprogram my remote controls and adjust the travel limits to ensure proper door operation.

Overall, as stated in Garage Door Repair, it’s important to note that the steps I described are based on my personal experience with my garage door opener. The process may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer of your opener. Always consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for detailed instructions tailored to your specific opener. If you’re unsure or encounter any difficulties, it’s best to seek assistance from a professional garage door technician.

BH Garage Doors and Gates

Rockwall, TX


How to Sync Garage Door Opener – BH Garage Doors and Gates

To sync my garage door opener, I first locate the instruction manual that came with it. It contains all the specific steps and information I need to successfully complete the process.

Based from Garage Door Repair Services and after reading the manual, I identify the syncing method my opener uses. In my case, it involves using a handheld remote control. I make sure I have the remote control and that it is in good working condition.

Before starting the syncing process, I need to clear any existing codes from the garage door opener. To do this, I locate the “learn” or “program” button on the opener. I press and hold this button until the indicator light blinks, indicating that the previous codes have been cleared.

With the existing codes cleared, I prepare the remote control. I remove the battery cover and check that the batteries are properly installed. I also inspect the battery contacts for any dirt or corrosion and clean them if necessary. If the batteries are low, I replace them with fresh ones.

Now, it’s time to enter the programming mode on the garage door opener. Following the instructions in the manual, I press and release the “learn” or “program” button on the opener. This puts the opener in a state ready to receive the syncing signal from the remote control.

With the opener in programming mode, I press and hold the button on the remote control that I want to sync. I keep holding the button until I see the indicator light on the garage door opener blink or flash. This indicates that the syncing process is in progress. Once the light blinks, I release the button on the remote control.

To ensure that the syncing was successful, I test the synchronization by pressing the synced button on the remote control. I observe the garage door’s response, checking if it opens or closes accordingly. If the door doesn’t respond or operates incorrectly, I repeat the syncing process, ensuring I follow each step precisely.

If I have additional remotes or devices to sync, I repeat the steps for each one. I enter the programming mode on the opener, hold the button on the remote or device, and release it when I see the indicator light blink or flash. I then test each device to ensure they operate the garage door correctly.

After syncing all the remotes and devices, I finalize the syncing process by pressing the “learn” or “program” button on the garage door opener. This exits the programming mode and saves all the synced codes.

To complete the process, I perform a final test by using each synced remote control and device to operate the garage door. I make sure that the door opens and closes smoothly and without any issues.

If I encounter any problems during the syncing process or if the devices aren’t functioning properly, I refer to the troubleshooting section in the manual. It provides helpful guidance on common issues and their solutions.

Remember, according to Garage Door Repair Services, it’s essential to consult the instruction manual specific to your garage door opener model for precise instructions. If you’re unsure or encounter difficulties, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from a professional garage door technician.

BH Garage Doors and Gates

Rockwall, TX
