How Much Do Aluminum And Glass Garage Doors Cost – BH Gates & Garage Door Repair

Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX, known for their modern and sleek aesthetic, bring a contemporary touch to residential and commercial spaces.

The cost of these doors can vary based on several factors, including the size of the door, the type of glass, insulation features, design customization, and professional installation. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the factors influencing the cost of aluminum and glass garage doors and provide insights into the various options available.

1. Types of Aluminum and Glass Garage Doors: Aluminum and glass garage doors come in various types, each with its own characteristics and price range:

  • Full-View Glass Doors: These doors feature large glass panels, providing maximum visibility and natural light. They are popular for modern and commercial applications.
  • Aluminum Frame with Glass Inserts: These doors have aluminum frames with glass inserts, offering a balance between visibility and privacy. They often have customizable design options.

2. Size of the Door: The size of the garage door directly impacts the cost. Larger doors require more materials and may involve additional structural considerations.

3. Type of Glass: The type of glass used in the garage door affects both aesthetics and cost:

  • Single Pane Glass: Basic, clear glass is more affordable but may lack insulation properties.
  • Insulated Glass: Double-pane or triple-pane glass with insulating layers enhances energy efficiency but may add to the overall cost.
  • Tinted or Frosted Glass: Specialty glass options provide additional privacy and aesthetic appeal, but they can be more expensive.

4. Insulation Features: Some aluminum and glass garage doors come with insulation features, which can impact the overall cost. Insulated doors contribute to energy efficiency and temperature regulation within the garage space.

5. Design Customization: Customization options, such as frame color, glass design, and hardware choices, can contribute to the overall cost. Unique designs or specific finishes may incur additional charges.

6. Professional Installation: While some homeowners may choose to install garage doors themselves, professional installation is often recommended. Installation costs can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the installation, the type of door, and local labor rates.

7. Brand and Quality: Different brands offer aluminum and glass garage doors with varying levels of quality, design options, and warranty coverage. Established and reputable brands may have higher upfront costs but often provide better durability.

8. Windows and Accessories: If the garage door design includes additional windows or accessories, such as decorative hardware, these elements can contribute to the overall cost.

9. Security Features: Some high-end aluminum and glass garage doors may come with advanced security features, such as smart locks or reinforced glass. These features can add to the overall cost.

10. Local Market Conditions: Local factors, such as labor costs and market demand, can influence the overall price of aluminum and glass garage doors and installation services.

11. Obtaining Quotes and Comparisons: To get an accurate estimate, it’s recommended to obtain quotes from multiple garage door manufacturers and installation professionals. Comparing these quotes will help you make an informed decision based on your budget and preferences.


Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX offer a modern and stylish alternative to traditional garage doors. The cost of these doors can vary based on factors such as size, type of glass, insulation features, design customization, professional installation, brand, and local market conditions. Carefully consider your specific needs, budget, and preferences to choose an aluminum and glass garage door that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your property while providing reliable functionality. Professional installation is advised to ensure proper alignment and functionality of the door.

BH Gates & Garage Door Repair

420 Lynne Dr, Rockwall, TX 75032
