How to Remove Grease from Garage Door Tracks – Strongsville Garage Door Repair

Grease buildup on garage door tracks can cause the door to operate poorly or even become stuck.

Here are some tips for removing grease from garage door tracks according to Garage Door Repair Strongsville OH:

  1. Clean the tracks: Before removing the grease, you need to clean the tracks. You can do this by using a soft cloth or brush to remove any loose dirt or debris. Next, use a mild detergent or degreaser to clean the tracks. You can also use a solution of water and vinegar. Apply the cleaning solution to the tracks and scrub them with a brush until they are clean. Then, rinse the tracks with water and dry them with a clean cloth.
  2. Use a degreaser: If the grease buildup is stubborn, you may need to use a degreaser specifically designed for garage door tracks. Apply the degreaser to the tracks and let it sit for the amount of time specified on the label. Then, use a soft cloth or brush to scrub the tracks until the grease is removed. Rinse the tracks with water and dry them with a clean cloth.
  3. Use baking soda: Another way to remove grease from garage door tracks is by using baking soda. Mix baking soda and water to create a paste, then apply the paste to the tracks. Let the paste sit for several minutes, then use a brush to scrub the tracks until the grease is removed. Rinse the tracks with water and dry them with a clean cloth.
  4. Use a pressure washer: If the grease buildup is severe, you may need to use a pressure washer to remove it. This is especially effective if you have a large garage or if the grease has been building up for a long time. Use a pressure washer with a 25-degree nozzle to clean the tracks. Be sure to wear protective gear such as goggles and gloves when using a pressure washer.
  5. Prevent future grease buildup: To prevent future grease buildup on your garage door tracks, make sure to clean them regularly using a soft cloth or brush and a mild detergent or degreaser. You can also use a silicone-based lubricant on the tracks to prevent dirt and debris from sticking to them.

By following these tips from Garage Door Repair Strongsville OH, you can effectively remove grease from your garage door tracks and keep them clean and well-maintained. Remember to always wear protective gear when working with cleaning solutions or a pressure washer, and be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using any cleaning products.

Strongsville Garage Door Repair

18827 Cook Ave #4, Strongsville, OH 44136, United States
