How to Install a Garage Door Track?- Warner Center Garage Doors

When it comes to installing a garage door track, I follow a set of steps to ensure the job is done correctly and safely.

Here are the steps from Garage Door Repair Woodland Hills CA that I followed to install a garage door track:

First, I gather all the necessary tools, including a ladder, power drill, socket wrench, pliers, and tape measure.

Next, I measure the width and height of the garage door opening to determine the length of the track needed.

Then, I install the brackets onto the vertical tracks using a power drill. I make sure to place the brackets at the same height on both sides of the door.

After that, I attach the horizontal track to the brackets on both sides of the door with the help of a friend. I use a socket wrench to secure the track to the bracket.

I then install the rollers onto the brackets on the horizontal track, ensuring they are securely attached and able to move freely.

Next, I attach the vertical tracks to the brackets using a socket wrench, making sure they are plumb and level. I have my friend hold the tracks in place while I attach them to the brackets.

I then attach the top brackets to the vertical tracks using a socket wrench. These brackets should be installed securely to prevent the tracks from moving.

With the help of my friend, I then attach the door to the rollers, making sure it is level and balanced.

Once everything is installed, I adjust the track if necessary to ensure the door is opening and closing smoothly. I test the door to make sure it is working properly and make any necessary adjustments to the track or door.

In summary, as per Garage Door Repair Woodland Hills CA, it’s important to note that garage door installation can be dangerous and should only be attempted by those who are familiar with the process. If you are unsure about installing a garage door track, it’s best to call a professional to ensure your safety and the proper functioning of your garage door.

Warner Center Garage Doors

Woodland Hills, CA 91365
