How to Align Garage Door Sensors – South Arlington Overhead & Garage Door

Aligning garage door sensors is an important maintenance task to ensure that your garage door operates safely and effectively.

Here’s how I go about aligning garage door sensors based from Garage Door Repair South Arlington TX:

First, I make sure to turn off the power source to the garage door opener. Safety is always the top priority, so it’s important to disconnect the power before doing any work on the garage door.

Next, I locate the sensors on either side of the garage door near the bottom. I check to make sure the lenses of the sensors are clean and free of debris. Any dirt or debris can cause the sensors to malfunction and prevent the garage door from functioning properly.

Then, I use a level to make sure the sensors are aligned horizontally. I place the level on top of each sensor to make sure they’re at the same height. If one sensor is higher or lower than the other, the beam of light won’t align properly and the garage door won’t operate correctly.

If the sensors are misaligned, I adjust them by gently moving one or both of the sensors until they’re level. Most sensors have an adjustable mounting bracket that can be moved up or down or side to side to fine-tune the alignment.

After adjusting the sensors, I use a piece of string or a laser level to make sure the sensors are pointing directly at each other. The beam of light should be parallel and uninterrupted between the sensors.

Once the sensors are properly aligned, I tighten the mounting screws to make sure they’re secure. I also check the wiring to make sure it’s properly connected to both sensors and the garage door opener.

Finally, I test the garage door by opening and closing it several times to make sure it’s functioning smoothly without any interruptions.

Overall, based from Garage Door Repair South Arlington TX, aligning garage door sensors is an important maintenance task that can help keep your garage door operating safely and effectively. With a bit of patience and attention to detail, you can easily align your garage door sensors yourself and prevent any accidents or damage to your garage door. However, if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, it’s always best to hire a professional to ensure the job is done safely and correctly.

South Arlington Overhead & Garage Door

3330 Matlock Rd #204, Arlington, TX 76015, United States
