How to Replace Garage Door Seal – Tarrant County Door & Gate

Here’s a step-by-step guide from Garage Door Repair Services on how I personally replace a garage door seal:

  1. First, I gather all the necessary tools and materials. I make sure to have a new garage door seal, a utility knife or scissors, a measuring tape, a ladder, a flathead screwdriver, and safety goggles.
  2. I start by measuring the existing garage door seal using a measuring tape. This helps me determine the length of the new seal I need to purchase.
  3. Next, I visit a local home improvement store or search online to find a replacement garage door seal that matches the type and size of my existing seal. I ensure it’s the correct length based on the measurement I took earlier.
  4. With the tools and materials ready, I prepare the garage door by closing it completely and switching off the power to the garage door opener. This is an important safety precaution to avoid any accidental activation of the door while I’m working on it.
  5. Using a flathead screwdriver, I carefully remove the fasteners or release the retaining clips that hold the existing seal in place. Starting from one end, I gently pull the old seal away from the bottom of the door, being cautious not to damage the door or the seal track.
  6. Once the old seal is removed, I inspect the seal track for any debris or dirt. If necessary, I use a clean cloth or a brush to remove any accumulated dirt, leaves, or other debris from the track. This ensures a smooth installation of the new seal.
  7. I unroll the new garage door seal and place it along the bottom edge of the door. Using a utility knife or scissors, I trim the seal to the appropriate length based on the measurement I took earlier. It’s important to cut the seal straight and even for a proper fit.
  8. Starting from one end, I insert the trimmed edge of the new seal into the seal track at the bottom of the door. I apply firm pressure to push the seal into the track, ensuring a snug fit. I work my way along the bottom edge of the door, carefully inserting the seal into the track until it reaches the other end.
  9. To secure the new seal in place, I use the provided fasteners or retaining clips. I ensure that the seal is aligned properly and there are no gaps or overlaps. If needed, I use a ladder to reach the higher sections of the door.
  10. Finally, I test the seal by closing the garage door and observing it closely. I check for any gaps or areas where the seal may not be properly aligned. To further test its effectiveness, I open and close the door a few times to ensure the seal provides a tight and effective barrier against drafts, pests, and debris.

By following these steps from Garage Door Repair Services, I can successfully replace a garage door seal, improving insulation and providing better protection for my garage. It’s important to prioritize safety throughout the process and refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific guidance on replacing your garage door seal.

Please note that the specific steps may vary depending on the type and brand of your garage door seal. Always consult the manufacturer’s instructions for detailed guidance on replacing your specific garage door seal.

Tarrant County Door & Gate

6408 Marlette Court,North Richland Hills, TX
