Fixing a Garage Door That Sticks: Simple Solutions – Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

As a homeowner, I’ve faced my fair share of household maintenance challenges. One frustrating issue that can disrupt daily life is a garage door that sticks. Whether it’s due to weather changes, wear and tear, or misalignment, a sticking garage door can be a hassle.

In this article, I’ll share my experiences and offer simple solutions for fixing a garage door that sticks. These DIY techniques can help you regain the smooth operation of your garage door without the need for professional assistance according to Garage Door Repair.

Safety Note: Before you start any garage door repairs, prioritize safety. Ensure the door is disconnected from the opener, and never attempt to fix a garage door if you’re uncertain about the process. If in doubt, seek professional help.

Understanding the Problem

Before diving into solutions, it’s crucial to understand why your garage door is sticking. Identifying the root cause will guide you in choosing the most effective fix. Here are some common reasons for a sticking garage door:

  1. Weather Changes: Extreme temperatures, humidity, or drastic weather shifts can cause wood or metal to expand or contract, leading to sticking.
  2. Lack of Lubrication: Over time, hinges, rollers, and tracks can become dry and accumulate dirt, causing friction and hindering smooth movement.
  3. Misaligned Tracks: If the tracks are not properly aligned, the door may bind against them, making it difficult to open or close.
  4. Worn or Damaged Rollers: If the rollers that guide the door are worn, damaged, or broken, they can impede the door’s movement.
  5. Obstructed Tracks: Dirt, leaves, or debris can accumulate in the tracks, obstructing the door’s path and causing it to stick.

Now, let’s explore simple solutions for each of these common causes:

Solution 1: Lubrication

One of the easiest and most effective ways to address a sticking garage door is by lubricating its moving parts. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Gather Your Supplies: You’ll need a can of garage door lubricant (avoid using WD-40, as it’s not a long-lasting solution), a ladder, a rag, and protective gloves.
  2. Safety First: Ensure the door is in the closed position, and disconnect it from the opener to prevent accidental activation.
  3. Clean the Tracks: Use a rag to clean the tracks thoroughly, removing any dirt or debris that might hinder proper lubrication.
  4. Apply Lubricant: Apply a generous amount of garage door lubricant to all moving parts, including the rollers, hinges, springs, and the tracks themselves.
  5. Operate the Door: After lubricating, manually move the garage door up and down a few times to distribute the lubricant evenly. This will help reduce friction.
  6. Reconnect the Opener: Once you’ve ensured the lubricant is well-distributed and the door moves smoothly, reconnect it to the opener.

Solution 2: Weather Stripping

If your garage door sticks mainly during extreme temperature changes, improving insulation with new weather stripping can help. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Purchase Weather Stripping: Measure the length of the bottom edge of your garage door and purchase a suitable weather stripping kit from your local hardware store.
  2. Prepare the Door: Ensure the door is fully closed and disconnect it from the opener.
  3. Remove Old Weather Stripping: Carefully remove the old, worn weather stripping from the bottom edge of the garage door. A putty knife or screwdriver can be helpful for this step.
  4. Clean the Surface: Use a rag and a mild cleaning solution to clean the bottom edge of the door. Remove any residue or adhesive left from the old weather stripping.
  5. Install New Weather Stripping: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the new weather stripping. Typically, this involves cutting the stripping to the correct length and attaching it to the bottom edge of the door.
  6. Test the Door: After installation, manually open and close the garage door to ensure it moves smoothly with the new weather stripping in place.
  7. Reconnect the Opener: Once you’re satisfied with the door’s movement, reconnect it to the opener.

Solution 3: Track Alignment

If misaligned tracks are the cause of your garage door sticking, here’s how to address the issue:

  1. Disconnect the Door: As always, ensure the door is in the closed position and disconnect it from the opener.
  2. Inspect the Tracks: Carefully inspect the vertical and horizontal tracks on both sides of the garage door. Look for any gaps, bends, or obstructions.
  3. Adjust the Tracks: If you notice misalignment, gently tap the affected track with a rubber mallet to realign it. Use a level to ensure the tracks are plumb and parallel.
  4. Tighten Bolts and Screws: Check all the bolts and screws that secure the tracks to the wall. Tighten any that are loose.
  5. Clean the Tracks: Clean the tracks thoroughly to remove any dirt, debris, or rust that might hinder the door’s movement.
  6. Test the Door: Manually open and close the garage door to ensure it moves smoothly along the realigned tracks.
  7. Reconnect the Opener: Once you’re satisfied with the door’s movement, reconnect it to the opener.

Solution 4: Roller Replacement

Worn or damaged rollers can cause the garage door to stick. Here’s how to replace them:

  1. Disconnect the Door: Ensure the door is closed and disconnected from the opener.
  2. Inspect the Rollers: Examine the rollers carefully. If you notice any signs of wear, such as cracks or flat spots, or if they are visibly damaged, it’s time to replace them.
  3. Purchase New Rollers: Measure the diameter and length of the rollers to ensure you purchase the correct replacements. You can find these at your local hardware store.
  4. Remove Old Rollers: To remove the old rollers, use a wrench to loosen the nuts or bolts holding them in place. Then, slide the rollers out of their brackets.
  5. Install New Rollers: Slide the new rollers into the brackets and secure them with the nuts or bolts. Ensure they move smoothly along the tracks.
  6. Test the Door: Manually open and close the garage door to ensure it moves smoothly with the new rollers in place.
  7. Reconnect the Opener: Once you’re satisfied with the door’s movement, reconnect it to the opener.

Solution 5: Track Cleaning

If your garage door sticks due to dirt and debris in the tracks, follow these steps to clean them:

  1. Disconnect the Door: Ensure the door is in the closed position and disconnected from the opener.
  2. Inspect the Tracks: Examine the tracks for any obstructions, dirt, leaves, or debris that might be causing the sticking.
  3. Clean the Tracks: Use a stiff brush or a vacuum cleaner to remove any debris from the tracks. Pay close attention to the areas where the rollers move.
  4. Lubricate the Tracks: After cleaning, apply a small amount of garage door lubricant to the tracks to reduce friction.
  5. Test the Door: Manually open and close the garage door to ensure it moves smoothly along the clean tracks.
  6. Reconnect the Opener: Once you’re satisfied with the door’s movement, reconnect it to the opener.


In summary, as per Garage Door Repair, dealing with a sticking garage door can be frustrating, but it’s often a problem that you can tackle on your own. By identifying the cause of the sticking and following the appropriate solution, whether it’s lubrication, weather stripping, track alignment, roller replacement, or track cleaning, you can restore smooth and hassle-free operation to your garage door. Remember always to prioritize safety during any maintenance or repair work and seek professional assistance if you’re uncertain about the process. With these simple solutions, you can enjoy the convenience and functionality of a smoothly operating garage door once again.

Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

700 Secretary Dr, Arlington, TX 76015, United States
