How do you Put Weather Stripping on a Garage Door-Team Taylor Garage Doors

Installing weather stripping on a Garage Door Repair Harrisonville MO is a simple and effective way to improve insulation, reduce energy loss, and keep out drafts, dust, and pests.

In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of putting weather stripping on a garage door. Let’s get started!

Before you begin, gather the necessary tools and materials. You will need a measuring tape, a utility knife, a screwdriver or drill, a staple gun, weather stripping material (such as vinyl or rubber), and a ladder if necessary.

Step 1: Measure the garage door Start by measuring the width and height of the garage door panels. Measure each panel individually as they may vary in size. Take accurate measurements to ensure you purchase the right amount of weather stripping.

Step 2: Choose the weather stripping material There are different types of weather stripping available, including adhesive-backed vinyl, rubber, or bulb-style weather stripping. Consider the climate in your area and choose a material that is suitable for your needs.

Step 3: Clean the garage door Thoroughly clean the edges of the garage door panels using a mild detergent and water. Remove any dirt, debris, or old weather stripping to create a clean surface for the new weather stripping to adhere to.

Step 4: Cut the weather stripping Using the measurements you took earlier, cut the weather stripping material into strips that match the width of each garage door panel. Use a sharp utility knife to make clean, straight cuts.

Step 5: Attach the weather stripping to the garage door Starting with the bottom panel, peel off the backing from the weather stripping material and carefully press it onto the edge of the panel, making sure it aligns with the edge. Continue attaching the weather stripping to each panel, working your way up to the top.

Step 6: Secure the weather stripping To ensure the weather stripping stays in place, use a staple gun to secure it along the edge of each panel. Place staples at regular intervals, about 6 to 8 inches apart. Alternatively, you can use a screwdriver or drill to secure the weather stripping with screws or nails.

Step 7: Trim any excess weather stripping After securing the weather stripping, trim any excess material using a utility knife. Make sure the cuts are clean and neat to maintain a professional appearance.

Step 8: Test the garage door Once you have installed weather stripping on all the panels, test the garage door to ensure it opens and closes smoothly without any interference from the weather stripping. Make any necessary adjustments if the door is sticking or difficult to operate.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed weather stripping on your garage door. This simple improvement will help to keep your garage better insulated and protect it from the elements.

Remember to periodically inspect the weather stripping for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any issues, replace the damaged weather stripping promptly to maintain its effectiveness.

Installing weather stripping on your Garage Door Repair Harrisonville MO is a cost-effective way to improve energy efficiency and create a more comfortable environment. Enjoy the benefits of a well-insulated garage and reduced energy costs!

Team Taylor Garage Doors

1004 W Mechanic St #12, Harrisonville, MO 64701, United States
